The Digital Marketing Journey of A Successful Restaurant – Episode 2

Welcome to the second episode of our podcast series on the digital journey of a successful restaurant. In this episode, we dive into the crucial topic of maximizing a restaurant’s digital marketing reach or just Reach. Reach is a key metric in advertising, representing how many people see your brand’s (restaurant’s) message online.

Key Marketing Channels for a Restaurant to Reach The Customers in its Market

1. Local Search

Peter, co-founder of Platr, emphasizes the importance of local search. He explains that in a given market of 10,000 diners, about 61% are either ordering out or dining in at a restaurant monthly, with 80% of them performing a search before making their choice. Thus, showing up in local searches like “restaurants near me” or “Italian restaurants near me” is critical. Being in the top three search results can ensure up to 80% viewership, while lower rankings significantly reduce visibility.

Peter advises that accurate and optimized listings on all major search engines and directory sites are essential. Additionally, investing in paid search ads can expedite visibility while working on organic growth.
Platr’s technology automates the regular synchronization of restaurant information (Name, address, hours of operation, etc.) on 50+ search engines, social media sites, review sites and directories.

2. The Power of Email Marketing

Elena, who leads marketing automation and AI integration at Platr, highlights the effectiveness of email marketing. With over 90% of people using email, targeting at least 50% of your market with regular emails can significantly enhance reach. Elena notes that the average open rate for emails can be boosted from 25-30% to 55% with well-crafted subject lines and promotions.
Building a robust email list can be challenging, but it is achievable through loyalty programs, promotions, and list augmentation strategies. Consistently sending engaging emails can keep your restaurant top of mind for potential diners.

3. SMS Marketing: Direct and Effective

Peter also touches on the potential of SMS marketing. While it’s challenging to gather phone numbers, SMS messages boast incredibly high open rates and are excellent for promoting the best offers. He recommends using SMS sparingly for top promotions to maintain high engagement rates and minimizing opt-outs.

4. Leveraging Social Media

Elena discusses the role of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. With around 70% of people on Facebook alone, reaching 20% of your market through regular posts, reels, and videos is an achievable target and it can be very effective. Combining organic and paid methods, such as boosting posts and running ads, can further enhance your social media reach.


To maximize your restaurant’s digital marketing reach, a multichannel strategy is essential. By leveraging local search, email marketing, SMS promotions, and social media, you can ensure your restaurant remains top of mind for customers. Platr is here to help you navigate and optimize these channels to achieve the best results for your restaurant.

Stay tuned for more insights in our next episode. Thank you for joining us on this digital journey!